Regulatory Litigation
In the event that our clients face disputes arising out of governmental regulation, including land use matters, we are able to react quickly and respond aggressively. When necessary, we have successfully challenged and defended the decision-making of governmental agencies, including local land use boards, by CPLR Article 78 proceedings, appeals and otherwise. In addition, the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments of the United States Constitution provide that no private property shall be taken by federal, state or local government, except for a public purpose, and with just compensation to a property owner. We have successfully represented clients in regulatory takings claims brought under the Federal Civil Rights Statutes (e.g. 42 USC 1983, Title VII and Title IX), although our approach in all circumstances is to resolve regulatory disputes as quickly and inexpensively as possible, in order to streamline our clients’ path toward securing governmental entitlements, and the successful completion of their projects.