Still Sitting on the Sidelines?
Commercial Real Estate, Mortgage Financing, Law
Jay Nussbaum
Berlandi Nussbaum & Reitzas LLP
Anecdotally at least, there seem to be a lot of commercial real estate investors, developers, etc., who finally like where prices are, like the way returns are penciling out, and are eager to move forward, but haven’t ripped off their warm-ups and gotten into the game because they don’t know where to access mortgage financing.
I’m thinking about this today because I just represented a very aggressive lender on a nice $5.5M loan secured by a 600-unit apartment building in the Southeast. The buyer was very savvy, and realized that conventional financing wasn’t going to be available for his deal because the property he was buying was only 60% leased at the time of acquisition. So instead of wasting his time and losing the deal—or worse, never going to contract at all out of fear of the mortgage market—he wisely found a bridge lender that jumped at the deal. Sure, that’s a more expensive way to go than conventional financing, but it enabled him to buy the property, and after he turns it around (he estimates 12 to 24 months) he’ll refinance out into a conventional loan.
Sure beats sitting around grumbling about the lack of available financing.
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